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The BOLD Identification System (IDS) for COI accepts sequences from the 5' region of the mitochondrial Cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene and returns a species-level identification when one is possible. Further validation with independent genetic markers will be desirable in some forensic applications.

Historical Databases: CurrentJul-2019Jul-2018Jul-2017Jul-2016Jul-2015Jul-2014Jul-2013Jul-2012Jul-2011Jul-2010Jul-2009

Search Databases:

All Barcode Records on BOLD (17,644,906 Sequences)

Every COI barcode record on BOLD with a minimum sequence length of 500bp. Records classified as Diptera, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, and Hymenoptera, without further taxonomic resolution, have been excluded to enhance the utility of the results. This search only returns a list of the nearest matches and does not provide a probability of placement to a taxon.

Species Level Barcode Records (5,698,981 Sequences/261,919 Species/127,648 Interim Species)

Every COI barcode record with a species level identification and a minimum sequence length of 500bp. This includes many species represented by only one or two specimens as well as all species with interim taxonomy.

Public Record Barcode Database (3,253,244 Sequences/178,212 Species/76,843 Interim Species)

All published COI records from BOLD and GenBank with a minimum sequence length of 500bp. This library is a collection of records from the published projects section of BOLD.

Full Length Record Barcode Database (3,971,071 Sequences/236,444 Species/103,822 Interim Species)

Subset of the Species library with a minimum sequence length of 640bp and containing both public and private records. This library is intended for short sequence identification as it provides maximum overlap with short reads from the barcode region of COI.

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The BOLD Identification System (IDS) for ITS is the default identification tool for Fungal barcodes and accepts sequences from the Internal Transcribed Spacer Region and returns a species-level identification when possible. Further validation with independent genetic markers will be desirable in some forensic applications.

The BLAST algorithm is employed in place of the standard BOLD identification engine for ITS sequences.

There are very few ITS records on BOLD so most queries will likely not return a successful match.

Search Database:

ITS Sequences

Every ITS barcode record on BOLD with a minimum sequence length of 100bp (warning: unvalidated database that includes records without species level identification). This includes many species represented by only one or two specimens as well as all species with interim taxonomy. This search only returns a list of the nearest matches and does not provide a probability of placement to a taxon.

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The BOLD Identification System (IDS) for rbcL and matK is the default identification tool for Plant barcodes and accepts sequences from the Ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase and Maturase K genes. It returns a species-level identification when possible. Further validation with independent genetic markers will be desirable in some forensic applications.

The BLAST algorithm is employed in place of the standard BOLD identification engine for rbcL and matK sequences.

There are very few rbcL and matK records on BOLD so most queries will likely not return a successful match.

Search Database:

Plant Sequences

Every rbcL and matK barcode record on BOLD with a minimum sequence length of 500bp (warning: unvalidated database that includes records without species level identification). This includes many species represented by only one or two specimens as well as all species with interim taxonomy. This search only returns a list of the nearest matches and does not provide a probability of placement to a taxon.

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